What we eat, what we drink also affects our skin. All people have many different different skin problems. We should not use chemical beauty products. This can damage our skin.

We have two types of skin..

1. Internal   

The internal part of the skin is very important. Drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water in a day is important. Water keeps the white muscles in your internal skin healthy. If you have oily skin, then you should reduce eating oily food. Stop eating sweet food because it is not good for your skin. Eat more fruits and vegetables. If you drink orange juice, do not drink it, it contains a lot of sugar. It is good that you eat a whole orange, it will not cause any problem in our skin. You have to sleep at least seven hours everyday. You should exercise every day, this increases blood circulation in our whole body, blood also goes to our face. Exercise is considered very good for the skin. 

2. External

When you sleep at night, then clean applied makeup on your face. Because a day-long dust can damage our skin. so at night wash applied makeup on your skin. For this, there are many types of soaps in the market. And when your face is washed, take a piece of cotton and apply rose water on it and we will have to rub it on your face. Keep in mind that the rose water you are using does not contain alcohol. Because alcohol can cause pimples on our skin.

* Vitamin C

Vitamin C fades small bolus holes in your skin. Use of Vitamin C gives glow on the skin. Vitamin C should be applied on the face before sleeping at night. 


1. Turmeric.
Turmeric kills the harmful bacteria inside and outside your body. Cucurmin is the main phytonutrient responsible for turmeric's antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. you can consume washed and peeled raw turmeric first thing in the morning or while going to bed with a glass of milk. You will see visible result in just one week's time.

2. Carrot.
Carrots are powerhouse for glowing skin due to a large amount of beta carotene that helps prevent the degeneration of cell, slows aging and makes your skin glow. The vitamin A found in carrot juice also helps keep body tissue, eyes, bones and teeth healthy. Carrots also have large amount of Vitamin C, which promotes collagen growth, reduce acne and dark spots. Boost your beauty by slurping on a glass of carrot juice or add it to your salads. 

3. Lemons.
Lemons are packed with vitamin C, vitamin B and phosphorous an amazing food to make your skin glow. The natural acids of lemon gently remove dead skin cells and lighten age spots. Lemon cleans the pores without stripping the skin of its natural oil balance since it contains citric acid in high amount. 

4. Yogurt
Yogurt and buttermilk contain probiotics that help in digestion, absorption and axcretion. When your digestion is smooth, and you have no gut problame, Your skin will be less prone to breakouts, dryness, and infection. Consume yogurt every day after lunch, with dinner and in shakes and smoothies.

5. Avocado.
Avocado is the perfect supper food for the skin. It is rich in vitamin E and healthy fact. The healthy fats lower the inflammation, and vitamin E acts as an antioxidant. Avocados help show down skin damage, lock moisture, and prevent premature wrinkling, acene and dullness. Easy ways to include them in your diet is to add them to your breakfast bowl, sandwiches, salads, dipping sauce, etc.


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